First Push

Skateboarding 17 mins 2022
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As part of their global mission to take skateboarding to underserved communities in developing countries, the non-profit organization, Salad Days of Skateboarding, makes a huge effort to provide Pakistani kids with their country’s first skate park.

Nestor Judkins, Shaihan Hassan, Maheena Bidsandhu

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Movie Details
Synopsis As part of their global mission to take skateboarding to underserved communities in developing countries, the non-profit organization, Salad Days of Skateboarding, makes a huge effort to provide Pakistani kids with their country’s first skate park.
Athletes Nestor Judkins, Shaihan Hassan, Maheena Bidsandhu, Hamzah Hasan, Qasim Sharif, Yassir Gillani, Kenny Reed, Keegan Guizard, Kirill Korobkov, Evgenia Korobkova
Genres Skateboarding
Director Zachary McKenzie, Nestor Judkins
Writer Nestor Judkins
Studio Salad Days Skateboarding
Rating not rated
Runtime 17 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English, Catalan
Stream HD | 1920x1080